The 2017-18 Allen Park PTA/PTSA Council Reflections Finalists were honored on 1/10/2018 at the annual PTA Reflections Tea held in the Allen Park Center for the Arts. The finalists are Ciara Miner and Jason Wilson for Literature, Kate Dmitruchina and Ethan Yuhaz for Photography, Abbey Skarbinski and Rachel Wisniewski for Visual Arts, and Emmy Wu for Film. Congratulations to all our winners!
APMS Scrapbooking/Crafting Event
Join us for an all day SCRAPBOOKING/CRAFTING event to the support the Allen Park Middle School Scholarship Fund on Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 9:00 am- 6:00 pm in the Middle School Cafeteria. Click on the pdf link below for more details.
APAC Softball and Baseball Registration OPEN
Charity Benefit Honoring Mr. Robert Powell
Please join us on Saturday, January 13th at 6:30pm in the Allen Park Center for the Arts, as we celebrate 55 years of Mr. Powell’s career in education. For more details please click on the pdf below:
Charity Benefit Honoring Mr Powell
Happy Holidays!
On behalf of the entire Allen Park High School staff, we wish you a wonderful, joyous, and safe holidays. As principal of APHS, I feel blessed to be part of this fantastic community and part of such a great, caring team. The Toy Box Holiday Party and Adopt a Family programs helped many of our community members who needed some extra support during this holiday season. 25 families were adopted and over 75 children were helped. Many people contributed greatly to these efforts, and I would like to especially recognize Ms. Karen Malett-Grozinski and her Creative Inspirations class for helping organize the many gifts, Mr. Jeff Goulasarian and his students for the wonderful shelves they made for the Toy Box Holiday Party, Ms. Amy West and the APHS National Honor Society and the Middle School Green Team for adopting families, the Jags hockey team for making gift baskets, Lindemann staff and the late Georgiana Asteriou for the many fleece blankets they contributed, the Lindemann fundraiser that contributed over $2,000, the Food Services Team for their many contributions, and all Allen Park PTSA groups for contributing. This was truly a district and community-wide effort to help our own. 2017 has been a trying year in many ways, but this much care, love, and support in the community is a wonderful way to close out this year and bring in the next.
Yesterday, two former colleagues of mine stopped by to see the “magical” place they had heard so much about. Both left truly impressed by the warm, friendly atmosphere they found in the school and the community and took particular note of how happy and friendly the students appeared. I feel fortunate to experience this every day in this truly wonderful place.
Art Show
PTSA Reflections Winners
The annual PTA Reflections program took place earlier this school year with the theme of “Within Reach”. Our amazing high school students submitted 92 entries to be judged by the APHS PTSA.
Visual Art | 30 |
Photography | 6 |
Literature | 55 |
Film | 1 |
TOTAL | 92 |
Name | category | grade |
Abbey Skarbinski | Visual Arts | 12 |
Rachel Wisniewski | Visual Arts | 11 |
Emmy Wu | Film | 11 |
Kate Dmitruchina | Photography | 11 |
Ethan Yuhaz | Photography | 11 |
Ciara Miner | Literature | 12 |
Jason Wilson | Literature | 12 |
Congratulations to our winners!
What’s Happening at APHS
Youth Flag Football
After School and Evening Activities- CANCELED
Today, Wednesday, December 13th, ALL after-school and evening activities are CANCELED due to upcoming inclement weather.